1. Condition definitions used in this survey:

title and description



Stable and maintainable.

This is the state that should be aspired to. It does not mean that the monument can be left: It must be inspected regularly and subject to a regular programme of any necessary maintenance and vegetation management. All recommendations in the survey should be undertaken in order to achieve this condition.

This maintenance could be achieved by a full time staff of four workers with the correct equipment and training..

Condition 1 allows for the further, more detailed analysis of the 'condition' of a structure. It does not mean that the structure is fully and satisfactorily conserved, recorded, analysed etc. It is 'stable', in so far as stability is possible, and that stability is 'maintainable' without disturbing the status quo.



Stable but in need of minor work

Describes the condition of monuments that need but little work to bring them to Condition 1

2-4 workers for two weeks



Stable but in need of major work

Describes the condition of monuments where a major project of work must be organised and fundraised for in order to raise the condition of the monument to Condition 1. The type of projects that have already been undertaken, 6 to 8 workers for two months, say.



Unstable:Potentially dangerous

Describes monuments where collapse is thought to be a potential likelihood in the short to medium term (present to 5 years) as a result of extreme weather or seismic activity. Such monuments or walls need to be examined by a structural engineer experienced in such structures and familiar with conservation techniques and ethics. The author of the current survey has veered towards extreme caution when using this definition,and has, in some ways, applied it lightly- it is meant as a warning light to caution against complacency or continued neglect.



Unknown/obscured by vegetation

The majority of the acropolis circuit walls and the remaining unmanaged woodlands fall into this category. Tree clearance from walls is a major undertaking and needs to be led by a skilled and dynamic figure (such as Jerry O'Dwyer). Chainsaw work is extremely dangerous especially in these conditions. Having said that a team of 6 with a chainsaw and the correct equipment can probably clear 50m2 per day of unwanted trees and underbrush. Clearing high walls is a different undertaking. However, if we are to assess and consolidate the acropolis circuit walls clearance will have to take place. We must try to avoid further collapse taking place.